Hofmann Megaplan Blog

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Costco Settle On 701XL Evo And 800-2 Combo

Costco Settle On 701XL Evo And 800-2 Combo
Costco Wholesale have chosen the megamount 701XL Evolution Tyre Changer and megaspin 800-2 TFT Balancer as their standard equipment. They have traditionally used the 701 in its conventional form (with lever) and the megaspin 400 as their standard fitment, but with technology moving fast, and taking a lead from their US counterparts where they had already moved onto lever-less fitting and premium spec balancers, the UK operation has chosen the upgrades following extensive trials at their Watford and Thurrock warehouses. Costco, who are solus Michelin and offer an 'upmarket' service for their members, including nitrogen inflation and precision balancing, operate warehouses nationwide and are still expanding. They have also chosen the megalift GTF3200 2 Post Lift as their standard lift.
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