Hofmann Megaplan Blog

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The very latest advancement in wheel alignment measurement


At a recent customer open day at the company’s headquarters, ISN Garage Assist showcased the latest touchless wheel alignment measurement system from Hofmann Megaplan.

megaline OPTUS measures the wheel alignment of any vehicle, completely automatically without the need for clamps, or the presence of an operator. The results are immediate (c 5 seconds) and incredibly accurate.

OPTUS uses advanced technology cameras which analyse the wheel geometry at all four corners of the vehicle, simultaneously, and without any contact with the wheel or rim.  The time consuming process of mounting clamps with targets or sensors onto wheels or rims is a thing of the past, as is the risk of damaging expensive alloys.

The system comprises four fixed towers containing a series of high definition, advanced technology cameras. When the vehicle enters the measurement area, Automatic Number Plate Recognition uploads the vehicle detail without the need for any data to be entered manually. The software automatically pre-selects the vehicle specification, detecting parameters such as camber angle and toe angle. In only 5 seconds, the system returns the results with extraordinary accuracy.

An easy-to-understand report highlights measurements that are out-of-specification together with related issues that can affect the drive, allowing customers to make faster, more informed decisions.

OPTUS is able to measure each wheel type and automatically distinguish vehicles with different wheelbases. It is not necessary to remove the wheel trims before measurement, there is no run-out compensation or roll-back required.

The caster measurement can also be carried out without the use of a brake block, whilst still guaranteeing maximum precision.

Megaline OPTUS has been designed to adapt to any vehicle lift or pit, making installation extremely quick. The absence of moving parts simplifies maintenance and reduces the risk of breakdown. The cameras self-calibrate to ensure consistently accurate results. All this to ensure greater reliability in the long term.

Thanks to the automated process, OPTUS can measure a much higher percentage of vehicles than is possible using traditional methods. The immediate identification of necessary adjustments increases the number of vehicles that will benefit from wheel alignment adjustments, guaranteeing greater profits for you workshop and significantly improving the quality of the service you can offer your customers.

You don’t even need an alignment technician to get complete geometry readings. Anyone driving a car into the workshop or moving vehicles around can drive through OPTUS and gain a valuable revenue opportunity without even getting out of the car!

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  153 Hits

MOT bays – Smoke and Mirrors?

MOT Testing Station RSMOT Bays – Smoke and Mirrors?

An MOT Bay often represents one of the most sizeable investments a garage will ever make, with ongoing commitments and legislative factors that mean the decision you make now will have consequences for years to come.

Before you spend a significant amount of money on what could be one of the biggest investments you are likely to make, it is worth comparing and thoroughly checking the following key points, as they could have a huge bearing on the reliability, capability and cost of ownership of your MOT equipment.

It is not uncommon for suppliers to claim reassuringly lengthy warranties, which are effectively negated by complex T&Cs. A classic example is for only the first year to include parts and labour, and thereafter it is parts only. With ISN Garage Assist, you get a 3-year warranty, with no strings attached.

It is essential to discuss, understand, and preferably button-down your calibration arrangement BEFORE you place that order. Remember, calibrations MUST be done every 6 months, so don’t get locked into an expensive contract. With ISN Garage Assist, you get 3 years free calibrations as part of your package.

Origin of Manufacture
There is a huge difference in price and quality between European-manufactured equipment and that produced in the Far East. European manufacturers have been making equipment for UK MOT for decades, and are often involved with the DVSA for both legislative and development matters. A factory in China does not have that understanding or connectivity. With ISN Garage Assist, you get top quality, European manufactured equipment.

Installation and Ongoing Support
Who will install and maintain your equipment? Your supplier’s in-house engineers, or sub-contractors? If it’s the latter, consider their capability, ability and incentive to ‘look after you’ after the initial installation. With ISN Garage Assist, you get employed installation engineers and electricians – not subcontractors.

Additional, necessary services
Having the resources to help with a seamless application is not as common as you’d think. Does the supplier have a dedicated person allocated to manage your application? Don’t be fooled by the term ‘handholding’, that just means you have access to some advice, and invariably suggests the real work is still down to you! Are things like in-house electrical connection, which you will absolutely need, included or even available? With ISN Garage Assist, experienced MOT specialists do the administration and project management for you. We will ensure you are in safe hands; not just for the purchase, but for the life of your MOT facility.

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Hofmann Megaplan and ISN Garage Assist - Introducing ‘FastTouch’ Technology

Megaspin FT P EMS.380In yet another industry first, ISN Garage Assist have introduced the next generation of balancer technology in the form of the all-new megaspin FastTouch.

The megaspin FastTouch is, in our view, the most technically advanced wheel balancer on the market. When the automatic ‘measuring gauge’ was introduced some 25 years ago it took balancing to a new level, allowing the operator to enter the rim data automatically by using an integral measuring gauge to take the rim parameters. Now, FastTouch technology even does away with the gauge, instead using lasers to take all necessary data, and the operator has a choice of hitting the ‘Magic Button’, or simply tap the rim by hand or even a knee to enter all the information the balancer needs.

That’s it. Lower the hood and activate the spin, and when the cycle is done the rim even moves straight to its first weight position. Once the operator has applied the weight, the press of a button then moves the rim to the second position.

But there’s even more to the megaspin FastTouch. The OWB (One Weight Balance) mode is automatically activated in the event you can eliminate all imbalance (both static and dynamic) with one weight. Working on around 70% of balance jobs, this wheel balancer is now saving you money as well as time. To top it all off, the amazing Hubmatch feature allows you to determine the ‘high spot’ of the tyre (which in turn equates to imbalance), and position the wheel on the hub of the car in the correct position to counter this residual imbalance that can’t be dealt with by a wheel weight!

Touch-screen control and a pneumatic clamp for fast and accurate wheel locking on the balancer shaft are standard, as you would expect from such an advanced balancer, and the machine is even supplied with marketing material, including banner and leaflets, to help explain HubMatch to your customers.

megaspin FastTouch LiteFast Touch Lite

Who said a balancer in a mobile van or confined space has to be ‘basic’? The megaspin FastTouch Lite offers luxury features, such as gauge-less data entry and auto positioning, in a practical compact balancer for mobile operators or those who are simply tight for space but don’t want to compromise on features.

An ingenious design sees a swivel display that allows the operator to use the balancer in any position; a complete game-changer for mobile fit-outs, where space-restriction can often compromise not only the performance of a balancer, but also the way it is operated.

Available to be either bench-mounted or freestanding, the megaspin FastTouch Lite is undoubtedly the balancer for the true tyre professional, who wants to be able to offer the same level of service as a conventional tyre shop would.

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Decline of Diesel Becomes Apparent in Used Car Sales Figures

The writing has been on the wall for diesel cars for a few years now - since the infamous dieselgate scandal swept the industry - but sales on the second-hand market have remained strong. Until now, that is. For the first time, online used car remarketing platform Autorola has reported a decline in demand for second-hand diesel vehicles. Over the course of 2022, diesel sales fell by a not-insignificant 15.1%. Gone are the days of diesel domination: last year, just one in four vehicles sold through the platform was so-powered.

Jumping ship
So, what are motorists buying instead? According to Autorola’s stats, petrol power is now by far and away Britain’s preference. Last year, sales increased by 28.9%, representing 64.9% of total sales. The biggest winners of 2022 though, perhaps unsurprisingly, were hybrid and electric cars. Sales of these lower-emission models shot up by 52.6% in the last 12 months, making up 8.9% of total sales. Although this figure sounds small, we can expect it to increase significantly in the coming years, in-line with new vehicle sales.

Offering further insight, Autorola UK’s group sales director, Jon Mitchell, added: “We are witnessing a shift in the type of stock we are selling, with diesels proving less popular and petrols and hybrids increasing in popularity.” Interestingly, he noted that hybrids are currently performing better than full EVs on the second-hand market: “Used EV demand and prices are falling during the current cost-of-living crisis, which is helping boost both petrol and hybrid sales,” he said.

Do you run a garage?
If you run a workshop of your own and are looking to invest in the very best garage service equipment the industry has to offer, look no further than Hofmann Megaplan. View our full range of machinery online today.

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  1242 Hits

What Equipment Does a Garage Need to Do An MOT?

Every car over three years old needs an MOT to be road legal. Light commercial vehicles and motorcycles need them too, so demand for testing is always high, year-round, no matter which type of vehicle your workshop specialises in. If you don’t currently offer MOT testing in-house and would like to, your first question may well be the one posed in the title of this article: what equipment do I need? Let’s take a closer look at each piece of equipment used in an MOT test.

MOT testing equipment
Typically, garages looking to branch out into MOT testing will choose a complete MOT bay installation, which includes all of the necessary components to carry out accurate, compliant testing. It’s much easier to take this route than it is to buy equipment individually.

Our Class 4 MOT bays include the following pieces of equipment:

  • Four-post lift: A robust, easy-to-use lift that’s perfect for inspecting vehicles. A four-post lift is ideally suited to MOT testing, as it takes just seconds to get the vehicle up in the air but still provides enough access to check for play in bushes, exhaust leaks, corrosion and other potential failure points.
  • Radius (or turn) plates: Not an essential item legally, but a must-have for busy MOT garages nonetheless. Radius plates allow a vehicle’s wheels to be turned without using the steering wheel, allowing a tester to quickly and easily check the operation of the steering from outside and underneath. Much easier than asking a colleague to hop in and turn the steering wheel!
  • Play detector: A straightforward device used to check for play in suspension bushes - a common failure or advisory point on an MOT test.
  • Jacking beam: Mounted to the four-post lift, a jacking beam makes it easy to lift the vehicle off the ground while it’s still in the air - perfect for checking play in wheel bearings, for example.
  • Headlight beam tester: A machine that efficiently assesses the aim of a vehicle’s headlight beam. Using it, a tester can quickly determine whether or not the beam needs adjusting, before making the necessary alterations to pass the vehicle.
  • Brake tester: A vital component of the MOT test. Brakes are perhaps the single most important safety component on a vehicle, and this machine will make sure they’re in good working order. Not only will it assess the overall stopping power of the vehicle, it’ll let the tester know if there are potentially dangerous imbalances across an axle.
  • Smoke and gas analyser: Used to analyse the emissions from a vehicle’s tailpipe. A variety of parameters are recorded and compared against maximum legal requirements, giving you a clear pass or fail result.

Get your quote today
Ready to learn more and begin planning your MOT bay installation? Learn more about the services we have to offer today, or contact us to get your own tailored installation quote.

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  835 Hits

DVSA Pledges to Investigate MOT Fraud

The DVSA intends to double down on MOT fraud, its latest business plan report has confirmed.

With over 1,300 confirmed cases of MOT fraud recorded last year, the organisation is well aware of the issue - and says it plans to use ‘intelligence-based targeting’ to track the movements of vehicles. By employing this technology, the DVSA hopes to catch out garages issuing MOT tests to vehicles that haven’t even visited the garage.

“We will increase our capability and capacity to investigate serious fraud and criminal activity by using advanced technology surveillance equipment and associated data processes for MOT surveillance, under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA),” states the report.

This year, it plans to prosecute 10% more MOT fraud cases than last year, targeting the companies that - in its words - ‘choose not to do things right.’

Strong opposition to biennial MOT proposals

In other MOT-related news, a petition against proposals to make the now-annual test a biennial requirement - in response to the current cost of living crisis - has been gathering steam. It emerged a number of weeks ago that the government was considering reducing the frequency of MOT tests to help ease the burden on families and individuals suffering due to high energy and fuel bills. The idea was met with criticism from road safety experts and garage owners, not least Stephen Browne of Meadowfield AutoCentre in Newcastle Upon Tyne, the man behind the petition.

“If this gets through and the frequency is extended to every two years, I would have to sack a member of staff immediately and then I’d need to put all my prices up," Stephen said, speaking to Garage Wire.

“How you can call this a saving to customers, I don’t know. Realistically, an MOT tester can only go six months without doing an MOT before they’re no longer an MOT tester and then they’d need a demonstration test for the DVSA before they can start testing again. There'll be no testing stations left by the time these vehicles will need an MOT again. People will lose their jobs, MOT testing stations will close and then there will be a backlog in two years’ time when everyone needs an MOT again. In these situations, everyone assumes somebody’s going to do something but then nobody does anything. Then we all shake our fists and say this should never have happened. I just want to show our strength and raise these very real risks – if we can all sing from the same hymn sheet, our argument is so much stronger.”

At the time of writing, the change.org petition had attracted just over of 7,000 signatures.

MOT/ATL equipment

Looking for industry-leading MOT/ATL equipment for your garage? Look no further than Hofmann Megaplan. Browse our range today.

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  916 Hits

Hofmann Megaplan offers advice about how to make the most of your tax allowance as a garage

Did you know your business could benefit from significant capital allowance measures?
1. Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)
Introduced in 2008, AIA is an allowance for tools and equipment which allows a business write off 100% of qualifying capital expenditure against taxable profits for the same period. AIA is an incentive for a business to invest because it accelerates the tax relief available in the year of purchase, rather than over several years, helping cash flow and enhancing business growth.
2. Super-deduction
The super-deduction tax break was introduced in the 2021 budget. It allows you to claim 130% of what you spend on qualifying equipment for your business against taxable profits until 31 March 2023. Super-deduction provides 25p off company tax bills for every pound of qualifying spending on plant and machinery.
What else can you benefit from?
In addition to AIA and the super-deduction you can also access the new 50% first-year Allowance and benefit from the Structures & Building Allowance for investments until 30 September 2026. Click here for more information.
What are the potential savings?
Depending on your expenditure on tools and garage machinery you could claim up to 130% against your taxable profit. For example, if you spend £10,000 on qualifying tools and garage machinery, your company can deduct £13,000.
Speak to us today...
If you are looking to grow your garage business in 2022 you could benefit from one or more of the capital allowances available to you. At Hofmann Megaplan, we want to support your decision making by offering you sound advice and a bespoke approach to machine purchases and garage enhancements tailored to your needs and budget.
You can explore the full range of Hofmann Megaplan machinery on our website or call us on 01480 8-9-10-11 today. Alternatively, leave your details on this form and a Hofmann Megaplan consultant will call you back.
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Analogue or Digital ADAS? – Hofmann Megaplan explains the difference

The perfect Digital ADAS solution installed at the Artis Accident Repair Centre.

For many independent garage owners, ADAS can appear a quite daunting technological advance. But in reality, it’s little more than a camera system, often mounted in the windscreen, monitoring short to medium range activities such as changing speed limits, or white lines; and a radar system, located in the front grill area, managing active cruise control and emergency braking systems.

If, for example, a frontal impact misaligns the radar unit, or the camera is slightly repositioned when a windscreen is replaced, it’s possible that the ADAS systems won’t work correctly. This is where ADAS alignment systems come in and, it’s where some garages have embraced the opportunity, invested in equipment and are making money.

ADAS Equipment up close...

ADAS alignment rigs are typically made up of a large frame and a diagnostic tool; allowing the user to test and re-align the camera and radar systems as necessary. These are split into two main categories; Analogue and Digital. Hofmann Megaplan has been at the forefront of ADAS alignment equipment since the very early days.

Analogue ADAS Unit

Analogue systems require less initial investment than digital but are designed to get the job done all the same. By not being overly reliant on new technologies they are a highly reliable, albeit manual system, suitable for all garages. Analogue systems require pre-printed boards which are applied to the framework in front of the car to show the test pattern for calibrating the camera systems. The framework needs to be accurately positioned to ensure the pattern on the board is properly aligned to the car, which can be time-consuming. Once set up, the diagnostic tool then communicates with the vehicle’s computers, putting them into calibration mode and effectively teaching the vehicle where it should be looking.

With so many different vehicle marques in the UK, many with their own design of calibration boards, purchasing and storing these boards and protecting them from damage can be an expensive challenge associated with analogue systems.

Digital ADAS System

The digital system does away with the need for physical boards, reproducing the image of a pattern board on a large-scale high-definition monitor. A PC manages the images and communicates with a handheld diagnostic tool which, step by step, guides the user through the process to check and re-align the cameras.

Because the patterns are created digitally, they make setting up and calibrating easier and faster than the analogue counterpart. The frame can be raised or lowered at the press of a button to reach the perfect height and no manual measurement is required. Laser measurement units accurately show the exact frame to axle distance and the system uses these figures to ensure the vehicle sees a perfectly aligned image, even if the frame has not been set exactly true with the vehicle.

Which system works best is a matter of personal choice and circumstance but if you’re considering extending your garage services, you should consider ADAS alignment. These systems have been in use in vehicles for many years now and there’s a real opportunity for independent garages outside of franchised dealerships.

Contact Hofmann Megaplan online today or call 01480 8-9-10-11 for more information

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  1183 Hits

Extensive Range of ‘Around the Wheel’ Products from Hofmann Megaplan

Over the years, our range has continued to develop into one of the most comprehensive offerings available in the UK market. In fact, Hofmann Megaplan have one of the largest choices of alignment and balancing products the industry has to offer.

Last year, the company invested in a further 20,000sqft of warehousing to be able to accommodate an expansion of the range; an expansion that saw several new wheel alignment products added and an increase in the availability of the product that cemented our popularity across the industry and is still to this day our best-selling line – wheel balancers.

One of the most significant introductions in 2020 was the new Logik 6 CCD wheel aligner, which can work on a 2-post lift or short platform scissor lift; a feature that has opened up the opportunity of wheel alignment to a whole new market.

A word from the VP...

Hofmann Megaplan’s Head of Product Development & Vice President of ISN Europe, James Boon commented...

“Many customers simply don’t have room for a 4-post lift or large scissor lift, or the ability to carry out alignment on a 2-post lift; but thanks to significant software and hardware developments, we can now offer 2 post alignment making this a real game changer especially for smaller garages”.

All of Hofmann Megaplan's alignment equipment is managed by 5 dedicated geometry experts, further supported by another 55 regional technicians across the UK handling the full range of product including tyre equipment, lifts, MOT and diagnostic products.

Focusing on the right balance

Despite a huge emphasis on alignment in recent years, Hofmann Megaplan continues to focus heavily on wheel balancers, where an enviable history has seen us become a clear market leader.

By far the most popular is the megaspin 420, which is a high-performance balancer offering the fastest floor-to-floor balancing time in the industry. This is achieved through the patented OWB (One Weight Balance) software, whereby the balancer can achieve both a static and dynamic balance with the application of just one single weight. To speed up the balancing process even further, the megaspin 420 has a ‘No Check Spin’ function, so the traditional zero/zero check spin simply isn’t required.

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2020 wasn’t all doom & gloom here at Hofmann Megaplan!

Hofmann Megaplan's 2020 year in review - everything to know within the garage equipment sector.

Despite a year that has be tainted by the coronavirus pandemic and many businesses taking a heavy hit, here at Hofmann Megaplan, we have continued to go from strength to strength. And we have always been there for you throughout what has been a challenging 12 months so far.

By no means are we saying it has been easy, but we have seen exciting developments take place across the company. So, in case you have missed anything, here is our round-up of everything you need to know...

All-new National Distribution Centre (NDC)

One of the highlights of our 2020, was the introduction of our brand-new National Distribution Centre; a great addition to our constantly evolving business (another EXCITING announcement coming soon).

Our NDC team build, test and calibrate every Hofmann Megaplan Tyre Changer and Wheel Balancer before dispatch, making sure they’re up to the recognised Hofmann Megaplan standard...and are ready to serve you!

Find out more about our new garage equipment facility in our previous blog...

Approvals & Accreditations from globally recognised brands...

Boasting approvals & recommendations from BMW, Mercedes-Benz and now Lamborghini, our range of OEM products are must-have for any premium garage services provider.

From tyre changing to revenue-boosting alignment machines, our Hofmann Megaplan accredited machines are the pinnacle of garage equipment and have been developed to enhance your garage services to a truly premium standard.

Take a look at the amazing machines we have on offer in our manufacturer approved range...

The MOT fightback!

MOT Bay by Hofmann MegaplanEveryone working within the MOT sector knew there would be an influx of the number of tests that were needed to be completed, once the MOT extension had expired.

The end of Q2 and all of Q3 was completely focused on fighting back strongly to ensure the survival of numerous garages & workshops. As expected, the beginning of Autumn saw the obvious demand for MOT servicing increase as the number of vehicle users returning to the roads for work, also rose to an alarming level.

Some garage owners saw an opportunity and realised that their old, battered MOT equipment wouldn’t be able to cope with such an increase in demand – Hofmann Megaplan were there to help. We completed some of the best-looking MOT bays we have EVER produced. We've received great feedback on how good our MOT bays look and operate once they’re complete.

Choose us and receive the full MOT package, combining our excellent end-to-end installation service with a great finished look.

What will happen in 2021?

The short answer – who knows!

One thing is for sure though, our dedicated team will always be there to help you with your garage equipment needs – especially with yesterday’s announcement, we could be looking at a similar year to last.

Contact us online or call us on 01480 8-9-10-11 to discuss your requirements.


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  1334 Hits

National Distribution Centre: Incredible garage equipment delivered across the UK & Europe!

National Distribution Centre

We are proud to introduce and be operating out of our brand-new National Distribution Centre in Ramsey – all our incredible premium garage equipment is assembled, packed and shipped out from our site...directly to you!

Our team of engineers have been working hard before, during and after the first wave of the global pandemic to ensure the efficiency of our operations at this new site. And despite COVID completely ruining the year for many industries and businesses, the automotive sector has boomed, and our team has been busier than ever.

Setting the standard...

Making sure every tyre fitting machine is up to the recognised standard of Hofmann Megaplan garage equipment, is exactly what our engineers are specialists at.

Fully trained and with years of experience behind them, our team have the ultimate combination to make sure your garage services succeed.

All our garage machines are freshly built on-site and ready to send out to all our customers in the UK & across Europe. No matter where you are located, we are ready to serve your business and offer the same high-quality tyre fitting machines.

We can’t wait to see all the latest machines in action...

National Distribution Centre Montage

Quality equipment deserves quality photography!

Our National Distribution Centre is more than just a site to build and ship premium garage equipment to your businesses.

It is the home of our resident engineer/photographer Terry and his studio.

Dealing day in, day out with our premium garage machines, it would be rude not to take some amazing snaps of our incredible equipment – showing the quality, aesthetics and impeccable design features that comes with Hofmann Megaplan machines.

Terry Montage

We love to show you some behind the scenes here at Hofmann Megaplan and what we are working hard to achieve at our National Distribution Centre. And this is just another reason why you should be investing in our premium garage equipment.

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  1589 Hits

The biggest Connected MOT Equipment issue & how to solve it!

 Connected MOT Equipment install completed throughout the 2020 covid-19 pandemic.

Over the duration of the lockdown months, the focus of the MOT sector has been set on the six-month extension announced by the DVSA - due to this, other areas of the MOT world (including MOT connected equipment) have taken a backseat.

Since the end of the lockdown, the DVSA’s “Beat the Rush” campaign has taken centre stage – often with mixed reviews.

The success of the rollout of Connected Roller Brake Testers back in October 2019 and Connected Decelerometers in February this year, is still unknown. However, a lot of garages have been experiencing some difficulties in working the connectivity, which has boiled down to a lack of knowledge by MOT equipment installers.

The biggest connected MOT issue...

All new roller brake testers and decelerometers installed into any garage must be connected to the MOT testing service.

It has been brought to the DVSA’s attention that issues with locating the “key” to connect equipment has been one of the biggest nuances for garage owners, after the install has been completed.

Official DVSA guidance for obtaining a key...

A DVSA spokesperson said: “When the engineer is on-site and ready to install your equipment you need to request a key and give it to them.

“The key will not work at another testing station and only works on one piece of equipment.”

To obtain a software code, users should sign into the MOT testing service and go to the ‘vehicle testing station’ page where they can ‘request a key’ under ‘change and connect equipment’.

Make sure you choose the MOT equipment experts

Ensuring you work with the experts is a must to getting it right first time.

Here at Hofmann Megaplan, our fully qualified engineers have been installing brand new MOT bays throughout the whole of lockdown. Many garage owners have seen the opportunity that has risen over the past couple of months and made sure their equipment is up to scratch to cope with any increase in demand.

Is it about time you did the same?

Check out our specialist MOT division online now or call our team on 01480 8-9-10-11.

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  1258 Hits

What is the best ADAS calibration system? A world of digital & analogue.

ADAS Calibration Equipment is still a relatively new phenomenon. Investment in it is a big decision that can for many, be one massive headache.

Speaking to someone who understands ADAS services & the full scope of systems on offer can be essential; especially when it comes to such a large investment which will enable you to complete the ADAS calibrations your customers now require.

You’ve probably been thinking something like “Ok, ADAS is a thing. Do any of my customer even need these calibrations? Oh, I should be completing it after a variety of jobs? It can be an extra source of income? My competitors are offering it now & pinching customers promoting it? There are digital & analogue systems? It costs what? Can I afford not to have it? What system do I need?”

Sounds familiar?

Is there a best ADAS Calibration System?

In short, no.

ADAS is one of the biggest technological advancement in automotive services in the last decade. That means you need a machine that of keeping up with changes to come as cars continue to develop.

For many garage owners, the hefty investment in ADAS calibration equipment can be tough to justify. There are two main systems though catering to different technology levels.

The ADAS Analogue system utilises a more traditional set up of printed boards & a simple manual measurement system, helping to keep initial outlay lower whilst enabling you the ability to complete ADAS calibrations. It is more labour intensive to set up though & new boards need to be purchased to keep it up to date.

Alternatively, a larger investment is needed in the digital solution, which uses a 65” monitor to display boards intelligently to suit the position of the car in front of it. Add to this laser measurement & this system is operable by a single technician saving labour & receives updates over the air for new updates.

As with any piece of garage equipment, knowing which system is best for your garage can only be determined by speaking to the experts! We’d advise booking a visit to the Hofmann Megaplan Centre of Excellence to try both systems out for yourself before making an investment.


What are you waiting for?

Call our team today on 01480 8-9-10-11 and get the wheels in motion for the purchase of your first ADAS calibration system. Digital or analogue, that should be your only question!

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  3829 Hits

Is Garage lifting equipment one of the most innovative sectors in the industry?

To many, nothing seems special about a two-post lift. A basic version of this equipment staple might be all you've ever owned or worked with. Turns out vehicle lifting equipment is one of the most interesting areas to watch!

A two-post lift can come in various specs & with accessories to diversify it uses (including alignment tables). But when you look beyond this you now have scissor lifts that can move with a vehicle on them & 4-post lifts geared up to complete any number of jobs as part of an ATL or MOT bay. 

Why the love for vehicle lifts?

Where you have a vehicle liftit is almost certainly the most frequently used machine in a workshop!

Think about it, what diagnostic or repair jobs do you carry out without the use of a car lift? How many times a day do you find yourself saying "let's get it up on the ramp & take a look"?

It makes performing all manner of jobs easier, speeds up productivity and this can lead to more revenue. So, what if we said diversifying the lifting options within your garage could lead to even great productivity & profit? 

Are you lifting enough vehicles? 

2 post lift and 4 post lifts are commonplace in garages, with one or more of each a familiar sight. Depending on your garage, customer base and speciality though, you could face regular challenges or hold ups with the wrong lifts.

For example, an increase in 4x4 and SUV owners will require greater capabilities in vehicle lifts in the future! Would you be ready to handle multiple larger vehicles today?

Could you align even the biggest vehicles where your competition can't & gain a competitive advantage, or have they got the competitive advantage over you? 

Can you move vehicles around your body shop to work on different service aspects without lowering them?

Your competition can & it means they quote quicker repairs & work more efficiently!

The need for the best, latest and most innovative garage lifting equipment is obvious as vehicle types change. Are you ready for this?

Vast range to suit every need...

Here at Hofmann Megaplan, we have been supplying an incredible range of lifting equipment for many years – with new additions to cover all areas and keep our customers working efficiently.

With many configurations and specifications, it can be difficult to identify exactly what you need – we try to make this an easy process.

Check out some of our lifting categories:

For more information on our lifting equipment range, contact us online today or call us on 01480 8-9-10-11 to discuss in more detail.

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  1899 Hits

The truth behind Wheel Alignment and why you should be including it within your tyre-fitting services!

As all garages will know by now, tyre changing, wheel balancing and wheel alignment all go hand in hand when it comes to your customer's tyres. The simple fact is all these services provide crucial steps to ensure longevity, safety and efficient tyre/vehicle performance.

The only issue is, many of your customers are not aware of this.

Educating your customers beyond a price-driven view of tyre fitting services can be difficult, especially when it can be misconceived as upselling your own services.

Some garages don't see the need for a vehicle alignment machine as their customers don't want it. Many owners, therefore, opt to purchase a tyre changer and a wheel balancer as a package, then see wheel alignment as an added extra if the demand is there. These garages often end up turning business away as customers are smart enough to ask about alignment.

So, where do you stand when it comes to providing wheel alignment to your customers?

Why is wheel alignment so important?

It is always strongly advised for your customers to have their wheels aligned when new tyres are fitted; but again, customers mistake tracking for proper wheel alignment, and even mix up wheel balancing with wheel alignment.

A wheel aligner simply looks at the position of the wheels in relation to each other and the road surface, so that any corrections can be made.

Missing out this crucial step can cause minor and major issues to the tyres and driving performance, in both the short term and long term.

Check out our previous blog to discover the full importance of wheel alignment services!

The need for wheel alignment in your garage is clear. Especially if you are dealing with numerous tyre fitting jobs per day.

Not only will your customers reap the benefits of that extra service, but you can see many advantages within the garage - not least an obvious increase in revenue!

The right wheel aligner for your garage!

Think about the amount of tyre fitting jobs you complete each week or even each day...

Every single tyre fitting job you complete should have an alignment check when the tyres are installed onto the car!

A simple question then - are you completing those checks? Are you even offering them?

Ensuring you purchase the right wheel aligner for your garage services needs a considered approach. By making sure you have the essential footprint to install the wheel aligner, guaranteeing the durability to cope with your garage services, and the all-important budget to consider, you can be well on your way to conquering the perfect set of tyre fitting services.

Check out our entire range of wheel alignment machines online today!

Don't feel abandoned when considering your wheel alignment options!

Check out our range of Wheel Aligners and ADAS Calibration Equipment today.

Contact us online now or call us today on 01480 8-9-10-11 to speak to one of our dedicated team for more information.

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  2542 Hits

Diversify your garage’s vehicle lifting capabilities with portable lifting!

Considered one of the biggest investments to be made by a garage owner, vehicle lifting is a serious purchase. The amount of options available can cause a bit of a headache when it comes to deciding on the right specifications, and what is important for your garage.

The obvious choice would be to head straight for the reliable two post and four post lifting solutions, especially when it comes to MOT and wheel alignment services.

However, for smaller garages or agile workshops with different stations something else is needed. Clearly the non-manoeuvrable lifts won't make the cut - enter the portable solution.

Innovation & Quality from Cartar

Brand new for 2019 and now available across the UK, Hofmann Megaplan can exclusively offer the CartarGlidemaster mobile lift for all tyre fitters, garages and bodyshops.

Renowned for its quality, this highly manoeuvrable piece of engineering offers a quick solution, that allows the car to be moved even whilst it is elevated.

How many lifts can you say are capable of this?

Discover the amazing Cartar mobile lift online today – suitable for indoor and outdoor use!

Low Garage Footprint? No issue.

We understand that not every garage can cater for a big two post or four post lift – if we didn't, then we wouldn't supply such a varied range.

Our host of tyre service and scissor lifts, along with a full range of Cascos Lifts, offers the ability to choose the right model/ size/ specification/ budget-friendly option for your business.

Discover portability from the experts!

If you need more direction in choosing the right vehicle lifting solution, check out our full range online today.

Alternatively, contact us online now or call us on 01480 8-9-10-11 for more information. We're happy to help you from measuring up to install and lifting your first vehicle! 

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  4164 Hits

Do you understand MOT Bay regulations? Do you need to?

MOT Bays are not just about the equipment. There is a host of requirements and regulations surrounding their install and legal running. The question is how much do you need to know and how much can the right partner help ease this pain?

Hofmann Megaplan have supplied and fitted high quality MOT bay packages with equipment and often more importantly, superb pre, during and after-sales service for many years.

We have built up an understanding of the common issues, pain points and best practices when putting together an MOT Bay.

In-depth knowledge and the required experience to tailor your new MOT service can be more valuable than the equipment itself.

From design concept to installation and your first MOT...

The first steps to supplying MOT services can sometimes be the biggest. The work involved in installing the right MOT equipment for your business starts way before ground is even broken.

A360-degree service is a must when installing your MOT Bay as it gives you full support from the early planning stages through to installation.

Offering total project management and advising on MOT equipment to suit your services, the likes of Hofmann Megaplanare able to provide and source the right outfit for your new MOT testing bay based on your space and our specialist industry knowledge.

Expert after-sales service...

MOT test lanes remain reliable and accurate if they are looked after. Simple.

This is the most crucial stage of any MOT installation service; the care and training supplied to help you increase the efficiency and longevity of your new bay. Passing on knowledge to help you succeed in the future should be a part of the package you receive.

Calibrations. Certifications. Servicing. Any reputable supplier should be able to offer this. Hofmann Megaplan are proud to fully manage MOT projects and offer all the support required once you are up and running.

Hofmann Megaplan go the extra mile...

Our team always aim for an exceptional service.

The above & beyond standard we set ourselves means you have everything you need to succeed in your MOT service.

The most comprehensive MOT bay install service in the UK just got better!

But there's less than two weeks left to claim your 1st year calibrations for FREE!

Let us take the reins!

Are you puzzled by the complexities of ATL MOT? Are you currently searching for the perfect MOT station for sale?

Contact us online today or call our dedicated team on 01480 8-9-10-11 for a friendly chat to discuss your new or upgrading MOT services.

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  1830 Hits

Digital ADAS calibration systems: the present and the future of diagnostic equipment!

As ADAS continues to peak the curiosity of all, we wanted to dig a little deeper into the intricacies of our advanced system. This is the 65" TV model that is wowing audiences wherever we take it!

The need for advanced specialised equipment isn't just for big business or the future. Now, more than ever, it is a necessity in 2019!

As the leading supplier and installer of the first fully digital ADAS system, we are the only ones to currently offer the highest quality calibration equipment available on the market.

For a full run down on our advanced ADAS system, read our previous ADAS blog now!

Let's take a look at our advanced system in more detail...

Five Intelligent Principles to our Advanced ADAS System

Targetless Technology

The versatility of a digital panel means adapting the screen to any existing or future car makers reference protocol is quick, easy and cost effective.

Easy to Use

Simple enough for a single user to operate; the system will guide you through the 6 steps of a calibration procedure.

Fully Automatic

The calibration frame is adjusted automatically, through the electric control, and any movement of the target, in relation to the car, is automatic and virtual. The car never moves!

Keystone System

Extreme accuracy is guaranteed by the self-adaptive system, which allows the software to evaluate the environmental and physical conditions

Universal Coverage

Ensuring the largest market coverage is very important to us.

Just 6 easy steps to a completed advanced and efficient ADAS calibration!

We aim to make every calibration job easy as possible - this way, we decrease the amount of time taken to complete each job and increase the overall efficiency of your garage.

We offer full demonstrations both on site and in our state of the art showroom. 

Get in touch today!

Need to upgrade your garage to include an ADAS calibration system or maybe you just want to learn more about this hot topic?

Check out our ADAS calibration systems online today. Contact us now or call today on 01480 8-9-10-11 to speak to one of our dedicated teams for more information.

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  2477 Hits

Shine Bright with the best MOT Headlight Tester: 5 Steps to Correct Set Up

Since the beginning of 2016, the regulations for headlamp testing has been altered. Due to this new change we have seen a dramatic increase in failure rates due to insufficient headlights.

It is more important than ever to be accurate and professional when testing this part of a vehicle and this responsibility extends to the equipment being used. That's why we've got some tips to see your headlight alignment tool working right for you. 

Damage to your garage's reputation could be irreversible if you send an unfit vehicle out onto the road. That is why Hofmann Megaplan's MoT specialist division constantly tests its equipment as guidelines on MOT Tests are updated. We make sure your ATL MOT workshop operations run efficiently without interruptions and the correct knowledge and skills are passed onto you through our high quality product range.

MOT Matters: Headlamp Testers for the modern check

Quality of headlight testing equipment is not the only important factor. How a headlight beam tester is set up and being used is vital to a safe and compliant inspection. Failure to do so could result in inaccurate or unreliable results.

Our MoT experts are always on hand throughout our extensive installation service, to ensure you receive the best results.

To guarantee precise readings and performance you should always take into account the following factors:

  1. The position of the headlight beam tester - needs to be located on a level surface and have a permanent position in your workshop
  2. Adjustable rails - built into the ground so that they are level with the vehicle being tested
  3. Robust sliding column - decreasing the risk of deflection with a strong column. Also an electronic device has an advantage for more accurate measurements, over a mechanical and optically operated machine.
  4. Laser over Mirror - a more precise solution for the alignment of each headlamp
  5. Help from the experts - as part of any Hofmann Megaplan MoT Bay install we provide a full on site survey and advice as standard. Its the easiest way to get it right!

However, we can't take responsibility for any operational misuse.

Some Light Alignment Advice

There are a few other considerations that will mean successful headlight testing in your garage. Before the adjustments are taken, the wheels need to be straight in relation to the position of the car and all tyre pressures corrected when the vehicle is not loaded. In the case of vehicles with pneumatic suspensions, the engine should be operating during testing in order to maintain the correct ride height.

Quality Headlamp testing products - look for the HM!

  • We continue to supply industry-leading headlamp beam testers.
  • We make sure everything is working properly and runs smoothly with your garage's MoT services.
  • We liaise with you during the planning, execution and the post-installation phases of the project.
  • We always aim to deliver reliable headlamp testing equipment, that generates consistent results and dependable income.

What are you waiting for?

Check out our Headlight Testers today or visit our full range of Hofmann Megaplan MOT Equipment now!

Do you need more information or advice on what we can do to help your workshop? Contact us online now or call us today on 01480 8-9-10-11 to book an appointment with our MOT Station specialists.

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  23547 Hits

Advanced ADAS Calibration System draws record crowd to Hofmann Megaplan Centre of Excellence

Over the last few months, ADAS has been an unavoidable subject - and for many, it is a step into the unknown. Many shows this year already including the CV Show and Automechanika have demonstrated the need for specialised equipment and valuable industry knowledge.

Although many garage owners won't admit it, the demand for ADAS calibrations are beginning to scare even the most knowledgeable. These technologically advanced systems are fast becoming a necessity to keep your customers.

Whilst many specialists are worried about the lack of awareness, this has been the main focus for Hofmann Megaplan.

ADAS Calibration Training - Advanced Systems for Simple Solutions

Held at our state-of-the-art showroom and training centre, our ADAS equipment experts were on hand for a free educational day covering our totally digital solution to ADAS diagnostic systems.

Visitors had the opportunity to gain & share knowledge around multiple Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Unravelling the mystery of ADAS has never been easier!

"The advanced ADAS system is able to complete more calibration checks in less time due to its digital set up and smart operational features. Minimal interaction is needed from the operator. This is a method of completing ADAS that is making people rethink how they invest in technology. The whole-lift cost of Advanced ADAS vs. standard ADAS is a no brainer. You'll be saving tens of thousands through FOC board updates alone and people are realising that here today."

The team hosted live demonstrations throughout the day, completing more calibration checks with the advanced system on the morning of the event than a standard system could in a day. The brand new Advanced ADAS Calibration system was a big hit with visitors, prompting a lot to rethink how they invest in ADAS calibration equipment.

Advanced ADAS Calibration - The Right Investment

It has been designed specifically for Hofmann Megaplan to provide ADAS calibrations in the most cost and labour efficient way imaginable. A 65" TV Monitor provides a totally digital solution to updates, instead of purchasing costly boards to deal with different vehicle requirements, whilst the operation is smart enough to take measurements and adjust the screen perspective to avoid time spent trying to line up a vehicle.

Other ancillary garage equipment was also on show, including the full range of Wheel Alignment machines and Automatic Tread Measurement Systems. These are services proven to boost revenue in garages and so were of great interest to visitors.

The TreadSmart is the latest offering in this space joining the handheld TreadReader, offering affordable tread scanning with integrated Number Plate Recognition for fast and transparent reporting.

To all of you who visited us at our showroom, we thank you for making it our best open day to date!

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